It's been a very eventful week and I wanted to have written about this wonderful Monday evening long before ... when 23 women followed the invitation to an exclusive dinner hosted by my dear friend Stefanie Sobisch from Curtis & Curtis, Stefanie Wirnshofer, founder of the Organic Luxury Haircare brand ONNI and Beautiful Scents and Sue Giers, founder of fashion brand SoSUE and the homonymous blogzine.
Happy mood spray collection by Beautiful Scents

Stefanie while doing a hair analysis for Funda Vanroy
An evening full of exciting and emotional stories at a magnificently with paper art decorated table by Anja Shahinniya ... and color matching delicacies served by LuCile Kitchen.
lovely atmosphere image taken by Victoria Haller :)
TV director and actress Annika Blendl & myself matching the decoration perfectly
... and as you might expect a little T&tStories fashion inso on this page ... the red blouse "FELICIA" I wore that evening is a sample and will be available (in a slightly more dramatic shape) by mid of December